Monday, January 28, 2013

The Joy of Juice

Juice Cleanse

Steve and I recently watched the documentary "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" – the remarkable story of Joe, who overcame obesity and disease by drinking nothin' but green juice for 60 days!

Ever since – or maybe I'm just more aware of it now – it seems every other person is trying a juice cleanse. Seeing as Steve and I aren't the healthiest eaters, and definitely need to introduce more fruits and veggies into our diets, we decided to try it. We bought a juicer and did a little detox for a few days. We weren't in it for weight loss or anything, just to reboot our systems ... and I must say I felt wonderful! Plus the added bonus of glowing skin and a lighter feeling (no pizza and booze weighing us down).

It's was a nice little break from our typical diet of french cheese, or spicy sloppy Joes, (or my fave meal of Snickers and Reese's), but just a few days did the trick – no serious commitment here.

Juicing your own is pretty fun (especially playing around with yummy recipes!), but there are a number of great looking offers for 3, 5, and 8 days of juice shipped straight to your door, like those from Suja, Cooler Cleanse, and Blueprint. Also, I'd love to try some of these delicious looking recipes next time.  

Have you tried a juice detox? Turns out it's not as scary as it sounds!

Photo from Pinterest

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